• Personally, I find the hardest thing about moving on from a job is leaving your co-workers in the lurch... the feeling of guilt soon evaporates when you start getting your restful sleep back ( no more waking in the middle of the night finding that not only have you been working infront of a PC for 12 hours the previous day, but your dreams have now been taken over by the blasted things too)

    "The Company" is a 2-headed beast; on one hand it can be your ultra-flexible best-friend, rewarding you with bonuses and empowering you with training privileges left, right and centre (when the market is buoyant)...On the other you will be "persuaded" to attend breakdowns on Christmas Day, threatened with written warnings if you dare refuse, laid-off at the slightest hint of a downturn in the market...

    The company looks after itself, and so should we, I couldn't agree more with you Bill.