• After installing the extended procs, etc I ran into an issue passing encrypted data from one db server to another.  I wrote some simple SQL to show this.  If I run the below SQL on server A and then server B I get diferent values for the encrypted data.  So when I encrypt data on Server A and then attempt to decrypt on Server B, I get Null.

    As you can see, I bypassed the key tables and am passing the master and local keys directly.  Is there something else that the encryption code is using that would make encryption values unique for each server?


    Server A:



    Server B:




    DECLARE @encText VARBINARY(8000)

    DECLARE @plainText VARBINARY(8000)

    declare @Tmp varbinary(100)

    set @Tmp = convert(varbinary,'test')

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_encrypt_aes @Tmp,

     @encText OUTPUT,





    select @encText

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_decrypt_aes


     @plaintext OUTPUT,





    select convert(varchar,@plaintext)