• The SysProperties Table has the description.

    the name should be 'MS_Description'

    Here I have a sample code

    select O.Name [Table_name], c.name [Column_Name],

    p.Value [description]

    From dbo.SysObjects O,

    dbo.SysColumns C Left Outer Join

    (select id, smallid, name, Value from dbo.SysProperties

    Where Name = 'MS_Description') P

    On P.id = c.id and P.smallid = C.Colid

    Where O.id = C.id and ObjectProperty(O.id, 'ISUSERTABLE')=1

    Order By O.name, c.colid

    If you have different users owning tables with same file names You may have to add the table_schema too.


    Prithiviraj Kulasingham
