• Good common sense Pam! Thanks!

    I'd like to add another one please.

    Make the code modular (if your system will support it).

    Extract frequently used functionality to a separate code module, and call that module where-ever you need to perform the function. This will be far easier to test and maintain than hunting down umpteen different attempts at the same function written by different programmers at different times (and even in different languages!). If you can, write the module so that it is dependent on input of only the minimum of key fields and the data to be processed. For everything else it should be self-sufficient. This may mean it has to look up a few things along the way, but you will be able to make far wider use of it than if it is dependant on a whole gaggle of inputs.

    Then document the function so all your programming colleagues know about it. Don't keep it to yourself!


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it...