• The constants that were stored in my include files which you need are these:

    AnonUser = "myUserName"

    AnonPword = "mySQLPassword"

    Const adCmdStoredProc = &H0004

    strConn =  "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" & _

     "Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;" & _

     "Data Source=MyDatabaseServer;" & _

     "User Id=" & AnonUser & "; " & _

     "Password=" & AnonPword

    As a side note, the adovbs file actually ships with windows.  Whether good or bad, many web developers include that file when dealing with server objects and the constants contained within the adovbs file.

    As to the ConvertText function, that one was totally my fault for not including it.  Here it is, you should be able to put it right before the do loop at the top of the connections.asp file.

    Function ConvertText(Value)

     If IsNull(Value) then

      ConvertText = ""


      ConvertText = Value

     End If

    End Function