• I am trying to use this article's advice, but am getting wierd results. When I sort by any field which is date or numeric (proj_id or request_received) it works fine - when I try to sort by any char field (such as proj_name) I get the following error...

    Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

    I don't understand this at all - I can remove the case statement and substitute proj_name in the order by clause and it works fine.

    declare @proj_id_inint,

    set @proj_id_in = NULL
    set @order_by_in = 'proj_lead'

    SELECT a.proj_id, a.proj_name, a.proj_desc, a.proj_priority, convert(char(10),a.request_received,101) as 'request_received', convert(char(10),a.due_date,101) as 'due_date',
    convert(char(10),a.date_completed,101) as 'date_completed',
    b.team_desc, c.emp_lname + ', ' + c.emp_fname as 'proj_lead', a.client_contact, d.status_desc
    from cts_proj a
    JOIN cts_team b on a.team_code = b.team_code
    JOIN cts_emp c on a.proj_lead = c.emp_id
    JOIN cts_status d on a.status_code = d.status_code
    WHERE (@proj_id_in IS NULL OR a.proj_id = @proj_id_in)
    order by
    CASE rtrim(@order_by_in)
    WHEN 'proj_id' THEN a.proj_id
    WHEN 'proj_name' THEN a.proj_name
    WHEN 'proj_priority' THEN a.proj_priority
    WHEN 'requested_date' THEN a.request_received
    WHEN 'due_date' THEN a.due_date
    WHEN 'completion_date' THEN a.date_completed
    WHEN 'proj_lead' THEN a.proj_name
    WHEN 'client_contact' THEN client_contact
    WHEN 'status_desc' THEN status_desc