• Loved the idea, so tried to create my own. Which works except on Fridays and Saturdays in the Phoenix paper.

    If somebody has scripted out and tried the authors solution would it work for the following suduko?

    It chugs away nicely then stops producing new numbers, not sure if my algorythim (sp) is flawed or if the suduko puzzle requires a guess.


    Daryl *dang its hot in phx*

    create table #inputmysuduko (iv int, ir int, ic int)

    insert into #inputMySuduko

    select 6,1,2

    union all select 5,1,4

    union all select 2,1,8

    union all select 4,1,9

    union all select 1,2,4

    union all select 6,2,6

    union all select 3,2,8

    union all select 5,2,9

    union all select 2,3,5

    union all select 7,3,7

    union all select 7,4,1

    union all select 5,4,2

    union all select 9,4,3

    union all select 6,4,4

    union all select 2,6,6

    union all select 1,6,7

    union all select 5,6,8

    union all select 7,6,9

    union all select 5,7,3

    union all select 9,7,5

    union all select 4,8,1

    union all select 9,8,2

    union all select 2,8,4

    union all select 5,8,6

    union all select 1,9,1

    union all select 3,9,2

    union all select 4,9,6

    union all select 8,9,8