• Iron clad?

    -- prepare test data

    declare @test-2 table (t varchar(50))

    insert @test-2

    select 'ov1' union all

    select 'ov2' union all

    select 'ov4' union all

    select 'ov31' union all

    select 'ssss1' union all

    select 'ssss99'

    -- show data before inserting new values

    select * from @test-2

    -- do the work

    declare @prefix varchar(50)

    select @prefix = 'ov' -- Throw anything in!

    insert @test-2

    select@prefix + convert(varchar, t.n + 1)


    selectmax(convert(int, substring(t, 1 + len(@prefix), 50))) n


    wheret like @prefix + '%'

    and not substring(t, 1 + len(@prefix), 50) like '%[^0-9]%'

    ) t

    wherenot @prefix like '%[0-9]%'

    and not t.n like '%[^0-9]%'

    -- show data after inserting new values

    select * from @test-2

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"