• Hey, let me explicitely say:

    Congratulations to your newborn baby

    I hope all are well ?!?

    In case this is your first child, it might help you, that in max three years you'll laugh over your situation now. Somehow it turns into something sentimental glorified

    Take care!



    Here's a sproc written for me by David Burrows

    DROP Dirty_Nappy
    SELECT Clean_Nappy FROM Nappy_Pile WHERE COUNT(Clean_Nappy) > 0
    INSERT Baby INTO Clean_Nappy
    GRANT ALL Smiles to Baby

    Edited by - Frank Kalis on 08/25/2003 04:31:32 AM

    Edited by - Frank Kalis on 08/25/2003 04:32:11 AM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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