• I use dynamic sql for converting hex

    set@sql = 'set @bin = 0x' + @char

    set@parm = '@bin varbinary(' + convert(varchar(10),len(@char)/2) + ') output'

    exec sp_executesql @sql, @parm, @bin output

    And for getting the output buffer.

    Also writing a scheduler to give more flexible dependencies - you need to use dynamic sql to call stored procedures which are held in the dependency table (sp_executesql to get the output parameters back).

    I have used it on systems which have searches on a lot of different parameters and different numbers of parameters as you can build up the query by adding new features rather than having to do a lot of checking of values - as these systems temd to have ever changing requirements.

    Cursors never.
    DTS - only when needed and never to control.