• Here  a script you can use to test the 3 methods.

    There is a measureable difference between the convert to varchar and the other 2 options.

    Only when you increase the number of iterations > 30,000 do you start to see the speed improvement of the last one

    (dateadd(datediff)) but as others have said for a small number of conversions any will work - as long as you take into account the locale specific needs for the varchar option.



    declare @loop int, @d datetime

    declare @lMax int

    set @lMax = 3000

    declare @dStart datetime, @dEnd datetime

    --various methods to strip off the time portion off a date

    set nocount on

    set @loop = 1

    set @dStart = getdate()

    --uses convert

    while @loop <@lMax


     set @d= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 101))

     set @loop = @loop + 1


    select datediff(ms, @dStart,getdate())

    set @loop = 1

    set @dStart = getdate()

    --uses cast

    while @loop <@lMax


      set @d = cast(floor(cast(getdate() as float)) as datetime)

     set @loop = @loop + 1


    select datediff(ms, @dStart,getdate())

    set @loop = 1

    set @dStart = getdate()

    --uses datediff, dateadd

    while @loop <@lMax


     set @d= dateadd(d, 0, datediff(d, 0, getdate()))

     set @loop = @loop + 1


    select datediff(ms, @dStart,getdate())

    set nocount off