• My initial thoughts on reading this was "1 Procedure, the second generates an error".  Finding no option for this, I went for "None, a error will be raised."

    Reading the explantion, I put this through Server Management Studio to see this procedure that has two lots of code, only to get: None - error raised.  Specifically "Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure SelectTest, Line 1  Incorrect syntax near ';'"

    I refreshed, did it again, etc, but I still have no procs at all - let along 1 proc with both codes!

    So I shut down Management Studio, restarted, checked, executed code, and got "Command(s) completed successfully."  But still no procs!  Indeed, I can keep on running it with no DROP statements and it will always be successful.  (But with no procs.

    So, what am I missing?