• Well, I've been using Query Analyzer since 1998 and never knew this trick, so I'm very happy!

    Things like this can be extraordinarily useful to people who aren't aware of them. I still get surprised happy expressions from experienced Access developers when I go through some of the shortcut keys (e.g., CTL-semicolon inserts the current date in a field - this works in EM as well!)

    A few years ago, I watched a friend of mine doing something in Query Analyzer and as he switched between several QA windows, I suddenly noticed he hadn't used the mouse to go to the "Window" menu - after 10 years of using Windows, and now an experienced VB, ASP, SQL Server developer, I had never learned about CTL-TAB!

    So you never know...

    Well Yakov, your name may be Schlafman ("sleeping man",) but you sure woke me up on this one- Thanks!  I give you my own personal Maven Of The Day award!

    -- SteveR