• Pretty well written article, but I'm confused. I thought "Arrays" where called "Tables" in SQL Server.

    Why do people keep saying SQL server doesn't support arrays? Maybe it's correct to say SQL Server doesn't support multi-dimensional arrays...

    It seems like it's usually in reference to passing in multiple values to a stored procedure, or something along those lines. OK, that's sort of fair, if you're thinking of input parameters. However, in you think about it differently, there is another way of "passing" data into a stored procedure, and that's by storing it in a table. That's SQL programming right there.

    And what do cursors have to do with arrays, besides the fact that arrays are usually "looped" through? In SQL, you can access all or some members of the array without looping! It's called set based processing. Tables don't live in memory necessarily, and that does make them different than arrays. But I might add that TV and TT don't either.

    So maybe it's a paradigm problem.

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