• Hi there

    Ummm, I picked up on one statement and created a sproc for the master database. It returns all the basic information for locked and blocked processes in the sysprocesses table OR buffer information for a specific SPID.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spchecklocks]
    -- ==================================================================
    -- Author......: John Ness / Bühler AG / Uzwil / Switzerland
    -- Date........: 01-Aug-2005
    -- Version.....: 1.1
    -- Server......: UZN487
    -- Database....: master
    -- Name........: spchecklocks
    -- Owner.......: dbo
    -- Table.......: 
    -- Type........: Stored Procedure
    -- Description.: Grabs all the possible information for locked, 
    --   blocked and waiting processes or for a specific
    --   SPID
    --   The @loginname and @srvname parameters are unused
    -- History.....: 01-Aug-2005 1.0 JN First created
    --    07-Dec-2005 1.1 JN Modified seperators 
    -- Editor......: UltraEdit 11.10a (using Syntax Highlighting)
    --   Tabstop Values = 4     
    -- ==================================================================
     --input variables
     @spid  int  = null,
     @loginname varchar(50)  = '',
     @srvname varchar(20)  = ''


     /* Turn off double quotes for text strings */

     set quoted_identifier off


      /* Dont return the count for any statment */

     set nocount on


     /* Declare variables used only in sproc */

     declare @SQLH binary(20)

     declare @sqlstmt nvarchar(1000)  


     /* Add a point to the server name */

     if @srvname <> ''


       set @srvname = @srvname + '.'



     /* Display all currently locked processes */

     print '==================================================='

     print ' Currently Locked Processes'

     print '==================================================='

     set @sqlstmt =  'select * from ' + @srvname +

       'master..sysprocesses where spid in (select req_spid from ' + @srvname +

       'master..syslockinfo where req_spid in (select spid from ' + @srvname +

       'master..syslocks )) and (open_tran = 1 or blocked != 0 or waittype != 0x0000)'

     exec sp_executesql @sqlstmt


     /* If @spid was supplied list various input and output buffers */

     if @spid <> '' and @spid is not null



       print '==================================================='

       print ' Summary for the following SPID : ' + cast(@spid as varchar(10))

       print '==================================================='

       print ' '

       print ' '


       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       print ' Input Buffer'

       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       set @sqlstmt = 'dbcc inputbuffer (' + cast(@spid as varchar(10)) + ')'

       exec sp_executesql @sqlstmt

       print ' '

       print ' '


       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       print ' Handles for Input Buffer'

       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       create table #temp_jtprochandle (

        sql_handle binary(20))

       -- The following statement is on one line

       set @sqlstmt = 'insert into #temp_jtprochandle (sql_handle) select sql_handle from master..sysprocesses where spid = '  + cast(@spid as varchar(10)) + ''

       -- The one-liner ends here

       exec sp_executesql @sqlstmt

       select @SQLH = sql_handle from #temp_jtprochandle

       select text from ::fn_get_sql(@sqlh)

       drop table #temp_jtprochandle

       print ' '

       print ' '


       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       print ' Output Buffer'

       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       set @sqlstmt = 'dbcc outputbuffer (' + cast(@spid as varchar(10)) + ')'

       exec sp_executesql @sqlstmt

       print ' '

       print ' '


       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       print ' SP_Who'

       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       set @sqlstmt = 'sp_who ' + cast(@spid as varchar(10)) + ''

       exec sp_executesql @sqlstmt

       print ' '

       print ' '


       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       print ' SP_Who2'

       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       set @sqlstmt = 'sp_who2 ' + cast(@spid as varchar(10)) + ''

       exec sp_executesql @sqlstmt

       print ' '

       print ' '


       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       print ' Lock Info'

       print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

       set @sqlstmt = 'sp_lock ' + cast(@spid as varchar(10)) + ''

       exec sp_executesql @sqlstmt

       print ' '

       print ' '




     print '==================================================='

     print ' End of Output'

     print '==================================================='


     set quoted_identifier on

     set nocount off




    I'm still working on it and hope to be able to add server and login specific information. I created it because of a problem with an application that kept locking up on me. It helped the software developer pinpoint their issue(s).


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