• Thanks for the article. I found it very interesting and helpful.

    I still have this problem:

    ' Parameter 1

    sParmName1 = "@Cusip"

    ocommand.Parameters.Append ocommand.CreateParameter(sParmName1, adVarChar, adParamInput)

    params(sParmName1).Value = sSymbol

    ' Parameter 2

    sParmName2 = "@Price" '

    Set ADOprm = ocommand.CreateParameter(sParmName2, adNumeric, adParamInput)

    ocommand.Parameters.Append ADOprm

    ocommand.Parameters(sParmName2).Value = sPrice

    The stored procedure is:

    create procedure dbo.UpdateLastPriceRaw


    @Cusip VARCHAR(15),

    @Price NUMERIC(17,9)



    Parameter 1 works fine - but Parameter 2 brings the following error:

    The precision is invalid.



    If I use the params.refrsh method it works fine (commenting out the ADOPrm SET line)

    Is there a way to find out what the error means and how to solve it without using params.refresh?