• For this very reason and a few others about examing exceptions in a package immediatly after it has run. We have wrote a sproc which using ole methods to load and execute a package.


    CREATE            PROCEDURE dbo.uspRunPackage

    @sDTSPackageName sysname,

    @sErrorSteps varchar(255) = NULL, -- A csv string of step names which we accept have errors and do not report

    @sServername sysname = @@Servername,

    @iConnectionFlag int = 256, -- 256 for trusted connection

    @sUsername sysname = NULL,

    @sPassword sysname = NULL,

    @sEmailFrom varchar(255) = NULL, -- if this is null then no email reporting of errors is done

    @sEmailTo varchar(255) = NULL,

    @sLogServer sysname = NULL,

    @ExecutionContext int = 4, -- 1 = in process, 4 = out process, 5 = in and out process

    @ArgList varchar(4000) = NULL   -- Arguments supplied as a csv seperated listed of attribute value pairs

        --of the form <GlobalVar1>=<Value1>,<GlobalVar2>=<Value2>,


    -- The purpose of this proc is to run a DTS job and mail any errors

    -- The proc allows you to specify any steps for which errors should eb ignored

    -- i.e. if they are already being handled elsewhere



    DECLARE @KnownErrorStep TABLE(StepName varchar(255))

    DECLARE @hResult int,

     @hPkg int,

     @sSrc varchar(255),

     @sDesc varchar(255),

     @sStatusInfo varchar(8000),

     @iStartPos int,

     @iEndPos int,

     @iLength int,

     @hSteps int,

     @hStp int,

     @lStepCount int,

     @idxStep int,

     @sProperty varchar(30),

     @sStepName varchar(40),

     @sTaskName varchar(40),

     @lExecResult int,

     @lExecStatus int,

     @lDisableStep int,

     @bError bit,

     @sEmailSubject varchar(255),

     @sPkgID varchar(100),

     @gLineageFullID uniqueidentifier,

     @GlobalVarName varchar(255),

     @GlobalVarValue varchar(1000),

     @PropertyName varchar(255)



    SET @sStatusInfo = ''

    SET @bError = 0

    --Create package object

    EXEC @hResult = sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package2', @hPkg OUT, @ExecutionContext

    IF @hResult <> 0


     --failed to create package object

     EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @sSrc OUT, @sDesc OUT

     SET @sStatusInfo = 'Failed to create DTS.Package2 Object.' + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

                          'Source: ' + @sSrc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

            'Description: ' + @sDesc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)

     SET @bError = 1



    --Load package

    EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @hPkg , 'LoadFromSQLServer' , NULL ,

     @ServerName = @sServerName,

     @ServerUserName = @sUserName,

     @ServerPassword = @sPassword,

     @Flags = @iConnectionFlag,

     @PackageName = @sDTSPackageName

    IF @hResult <> 0


     EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @sSrc OUT, @sDesc OUT

     SET @sStatusInfo = 'Failed to load DTS Package: ' + @sDTSPackageName + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

                          'Source: ' + @sSrc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

            'Description: ' + @sDesc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)

     SET @bError = 1



    --Set log server if neccesary

    IF @sLogServer IS NOT NULL


     EXEC @hResult = sp_OASetProperty @hPkg, 'LogServerName', @sLogServer

     IF @hResult <> 0


      EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @sSrc OUT, @sDesc OUT

      SET @sStatusInfo = 'Failed to set Log Server for DTS Package: ' + @sDTSPackageName + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

                           'Source: ' + @sSrc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

             'Description: ' + @sDesc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)

      SET @bError = 1





    --If there are global variables to set then do this now

    IF @ArgList IS NOT NULL


     --Iterate through each attribute value pair and set the appropriate global variable

     WHILE LEN(@ArgList) > 0


      --so first get position of =

      SET @iStartPos = 1

      SET @iEndPos = CHARINDEX('=', @ArgList, @iStartPos)

      --next get global var name

      SET @GlobalVarName = SUBSTRING(@ArgList, @iStartPos, @iEndPos - @iStartPos)

      --next get global var value

      SET @iStartPos = @iEndPos + 1

      SET @iEndPos = CHARINDEX(',', @ArgList, @iEndPos)

      IF @iEndPos = 0 

       SET @iEndPos = LEN(@ArgList) + 1

      SET @GlobalVarValue = SUBSTRING(@ArgList, @iStartPos, @iEndPos - @iStartPos)

      --take off args already processed

      SET @ArgList = SUBSTRING(@ArgList, @iEndPos + 1, LEN(@ArgList) - @iEndPos + 1)

      --Set the global var value

      SET @PropertyName = 'GlobalVariables("' + @GlobalVarName + '").Value'

      EXEC @hResult = sp_OASetProperty @hPkg, @PropertyName, @GlobalVarValue

      IF @hResult <> 0


       EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @sSrc OUT, @sDesc OUT

       SET @sStatusInfo = 'Failed to set global variable: ' + @GlobalVarName + ' in package ' + @sDTSPackageName + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

                            'Source: ' + @sSrc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

              'Description: ' + @sDesc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)

       SET @bError = 1





    --Execute the package

    EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @hPkg, 'Execute', NULL

    IF @hResult <> 0


     EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @sSrc OUT, @sDesc OUT

     SET @sStatusInfo = 'Failed to execute DTS Package: ' + @sDTSPackageName + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

                          'Source: ' + @sSrc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

            'Description: ' + @sDesc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)

     SET @bError = 1



    --Get package GUID

    EXEC @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @hPkg, 'PackageID', @sPkgID OUT

    --Get Lineage ID

    SET @gLineageFullID = (SELECT TOP 1 LineageFull

             FROM msdb..sysdtspackagelog (nolock)

              WHERE id = @sPkgID

             ORDER BY logdate DESC)


    -- If we get this far then the package managed to execute

    -- so now need to find out if it was successful or not


    -- First build up a table of setps which have known and acceptable errors

    -- i.e. ones being reported in other ways


    IF @sErrorSteps IS NOT NULL


     --populate table from csv string

     SET @iStartPos = 1

     SET @iEndPos = 1

     WHILE @iEndPos <> 0


      --Get end position

      SET @iEndPos = CHARINDEX(',', @sErrorSteps, @iStartPos)

      IF @iEndPos > 0


       SET @iLength = @iEndPos - @iStartPos



       SET @iLength = LEN(@sErrorSteps) - @iStartPos + 1



      INTO @KnownErrorStep


      SELECT SUBSTRING(@sErrorSteps, @iStartPos, @iLength)


      SET @iStartPos = @iEndPos + 1



     SELECT * from @KnownErrorStep




    --Get handle to package collection

    EXEC @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @hPkg, 'Steps', @hSteps OUT

    EXEC @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @hSteps, 'Count', @lStepCount OUT

    SET @idxStep = 0

    --Check each of the steps for execution information

    WHILE @idxStep < @lStepCount


     --Get reference to step at index idxstep

     SET @idxStep = @idxStep + 1

     SET @sProperty = 'Steps(' + Convert(varchar(10), @idxStep) + ')'

     EXEC @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @hPkg, @sProperty, @hStp OUT

     --Step name

     EXEC @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @hStp, 'Name', @sStepName OUT 

     --Step task name

     EXEC @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @hStp, 'TaskName', @sTaskName OUT

     --execution Status

     EXEC @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @hStp, 'ExecutionStatus', @lExecStatus OUT

     --IsStep Disabled

     EXEC @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @hStp, 'DisableStep', @lDisableStep OUT

     --Execution Result

     EXEC @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @hStp, 'ExecutionResult', @lExecResult OUT

     --if step was executed then check if it failed or succeeded

     IF @lExecStatus = 4 --Step completed


      --if it failed = 1, (success = 0)

             IF @lExecResult = 1


       --Check if it is in list of steps that we do not want to

       --report on

       IF @sStepName NOT IN (SELECT StepName FROM @KnownErrorStep)


        --Start to construct error string

        IF @bError = 0


         SET @sStatusInfo = 'Errors occurred on the following steps:' +

              CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

         SET @bError = 1


        SET @sStatusInfo = (SELECT @sStatusInfo + @sStepName + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +

              REPLICATE('-', LEN(@sStepName) + 2) +

              CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +

              'Error Code: ' + CAST(ErrorCode as varchar(50)) +

              CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +

              'Error Description: ' + ErrorDescription + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +

             + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

             FROM msdb..sysDtsStepLog (nolock)

             WHERE LineageFull = @gLineageFullID

             AND Stepname = @sStepName)





    END -- WHILE



     --Destroy the Ole Object Although it should be destroyed automatically at the

     --end of the batch

     EXEC @hResult = sp_OADestroy @hPkg

     IF @hResult <> 0


      EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo NULL, @sSrc OUT, @sDesc OUT

      SET @sStatusInfo = @sStatusInfo + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +

             'Failed to destroy OLE Object for DTS Package: ' + @sDTSPackageName + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

                           'Source: ' + @sSrc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) +

             'Description: ' + @sDesc + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)

      SET @bError = 1


     --if a we are to email error as well then do it now

     IF @bError = 1

      SET @sEmailSubject = 'DTS Package ''' + @sDTSPackageName + ''' on ' + @sServername + ' FAILED! @ ' +

         CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30))

     IF (@sEmailFrom IS NOT NULL) AND (@sEmailTo IS NOT NULL) AND (@bError = 1)


      EXEC  Master.dbo.sp_dba_sendmail @sEmailFrom, @sEmailTo, @sEmailSubject, @sStatusInfo 



     --message success or failure and raiseerror if necceserry

     If @bError = 1


      PRINT @sEmailSubject + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + @sStatusInfo

      RAISERROR (@sEmailSubject, 16, 1)



      PRINT 'Execution of Package ''' + @sDTSPackageName + ''' on ' + @sServername + ' Completed Successfully @ ' +

       CAST(GetDate() as varchar(30))





    Thanks Jeet