The Casino Party at the PASS Summit

  • What a shame I won't be there (casino night). I checked this site before sending my registration to my company for approval and there wasn't anything about PASS or using the SSC code. It didn't show up until my registration had already been sent in.


  • We"ll have to work harder on our messaging. The 'SSC' code is valid every year, it's a standing arrangement with PASS. I think next year we'll send out a special announcement or two in addition to putting it in the newsletter.

  • Hi,

    I have a couple of questions regarding the SSC Casino night:

    1.  While I'm interested in attending casino night, I registered for PASS a couple of months ago, and at that time there was no word from SQL Server Central about using a source code.  So, is there a time or place to give that code when I'm checking in?  If so, when and/or where.  If not, why is this kept a secret until the week before the event?

    2.  Since the Gaylord Texan is full, and has been for months, will the shuttle to the overflow hotel, the DFW Hyatt, be running after casino night is over, or will attendees have to take cabs back? 


    Thanks, and look forward to seeing you there,


    Warm Regards,

    Calen Ellefson

  • The code has been announced in numerous newsletters and articles on the site (,,, etc). Unless you registered before early June when we started the messaging, there isn't a way to give the code now. It's a referral code for you deciding to attend PASS through our site. With a few hundred people having used the code, I'm not sure it was a secret.

    Not sure about shuttles to other hotels. I'll ask the question.

  • Do speakers get to attend for free? I wasn't able to register with your code, but I would have, if I'd been able to!

    Adam Machanic

  • I'm not sure where SSC should show up, but I have mentioned in the registration SSC code as well as referal radio button. However, none of them were printed on Registration Acknowledgement. HOpefully SSC got the credit for my attendance.

  • It's more addition to the reply posted before. I would like to know whether I need to pay for casino or my name is included somewhere. Where would I find that out?


  • Well, I for one am glad that the prizes aren't completely dependent on our ability to win. I'm a horrible gambler. 😛 Probably run out of chips in next to no time if I play.

    I saw the code all over the place, but I'm subscribed to the newsletter and the RSS feed so I rarely miss a post.

    Anyway, looking forward to this. I think the shuttles run constantly, but you may be able to hitch a ride with a local if not. I know that there will be a decent representation from the local SQL people. We even have some from the local UG presenting.

    Thanks for the update.


  • I would like to thank SQLServerCentral folks for working to help me out since I registered the first week in June and wasn't aware of the SSC code at that time.  Special thanks to Steve Jones.

    I have never been able to even consider going to a PASS before this one, so I never 'checked' into the information about them. That's why I wasn't aware of the SSC code even though Andy says it's announced every year.

    In an email to Steve, I suggested that they post a link to PASS information on the main page. Similar to the 'permanent' links to "Try our Resource Center" and "Support us! Visit our store!". They could have a link "PASS 2005" with the 'icon' being SSC. Then no one would be able to say they 'missed' the article.


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