• It IS a very good article and a long time in coming.  We've been able to stretch the DTS considerably with setting global variables.  Never did get looping figured out in SQL 2000 so our solution?  Cheat.

    We had a stored procedure do the looping and then set the variables it needs through a temporary table, as below:

     while ( @TName is not null )


      print 'TableName is ' + @TName

      exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S"ServerName" /E /N"ReUsableDTSName"'

      if @TName = @TNameLast break


      set rowcount 1

      select @TName = TableName

      from LastUpdated

      where TableName not in (

       select TableName

       from  DenverStats )

      order by TableName

      set rowcount 0



    It wasn't the most elegant solution, but it worked for getting the rowcounts for every table in the database of a remote Oracle schema.  It takes a while to learn but global variables have saved me a lot of copy/paste.  Thanks for bringing it up.
