• Please advise:

    In the following command:

    EXECUTE sp_makewebtask @outputfile = 'd:\harvestwise\hwsystem\pickup\PMDRpt.html', @query = 'EXECUTE spMoveSelect @Action=3, @ID=0, @Var1=19', @templatefile = 'd:\harvestwise\hwsystem\pickup\PMDRpt.tpl'

    I am getting the errors:

    Server: Msg 2812, Level 11, State 1, Line 0

    Could not find stored procedure 'spMoveSelect'.

    Server: Msg 16805, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_makewebtask, Line 125

    SQL Web Assistant: Could not execute the SQL statement.

    The stored proc is part of a database called YMCA.  I'm wondering how to specify this in the exec command.  Or is there something else I'm missing

    Suggestions would be appreciated!

    thanks in advance,
