• Agreed, in that triggers can be poorly written and really harm performance. Techniques such as checking to see if a row was updated or verifying if any rows were modified are good ideas.

    However, as far as the transactional aspect is concerned, it's in SQL Server 7 and 2000. From Books Online:




    A trigger always operates as if there were an outstanding transaction in effect when the trigger is executed. This is definitely true if the statement firing the trigger is in an implicit or explicit transaction. It is also true in autocommit mode. When a statement begins executing in autocommit mode, there is an implied BEGIN TRANSACTION to allow the recovery of all modifications generated by the statement if it encounters an error. This implied transaction has no effect on the other statements in the batch because it is either committed or rolled back when the statement completes. This implied transaction is still in effect, however, when a trigger is called.

    This means that any time a BEGIN TRANSACTION statement is issued in the trigger, it is actually beginning a nested transaction. Because a nested BEGIN TRANSACTION statement is ignored when rolling back nested transactions, ROLLBACK TRANSACTION issued in the trigger always rolls back past any BEGIN TRANSACTION statements issued by the trigger itself. ROLLBACK rolls back to the outermost BEGIN TRANSACTION.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley