• Michael Lysons - Thursday, March 7, 2019 4:37 AM

    Application and database design that allows users to enter bad data. The users are (generally) not to blame, they will take the path of least resistance, and we end up with bad data that needs addressing.

    While I agree, I also know that so many business processes aren't as tightly defined as we would like. Usually because we didn't account for the chaos of the world when we built the system. As a result, I've gone more towards having optional fields and update capabilities that allow users to clean up data and move it around later. The "every field is x" or we need all this data was a trend in the 80s/90s and it didn't work out well. Too many problems from systems trying to force users to change their work rather than systems adapting to users.

    I'd argue that we need better app design that creates flexibility to meet the problems of the world.

    Of course, this means still constant data challenges for us to deal with.