• Great topic Steve and excellent advice. I particularly like the suggestion that you define success on your own terms. Comparing your life to someone else's is only marginally informative. You have to ask some fundamental questions of yourself and answer honestly. What makes me happy? What doesn't make me happy? What will money do for me? What will it cost me? For me, I wish I hadn't worked so hard in my 20's or at least not where I was at anyway. I had no one giving me good advice. I never worked harder to achieve so little. I was in the IBM world and left it for the crazy and dawning Windows world and for some inexplicable reason the less I try the more successful I've become since then. More accurately,  I work a lot less then I did then and make a lot more but I've picked the jobs that were interesting to me and not just the ones that paid more. It also helps that what you like to do pays well of course. After a certain point, the money has diminishing returns on your happiness (for most people I believe).