• Lee Linares - Friday, November 16, 2018 1:36 PM


    Thanks for taking the time to develop and share this code. Very useful.
     I have run into an issue that has me stumped. When I run the script against a database that has several large stored procedures the script errors out with errors like these:
      Msg 9455, Level 16, State 1, Line 92
      XML parsing: line 779, character 109, illegal qualified name character

      Msg 9455, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
      XML parsing: line 626, character 109, illegal qualified name character
    It does not error out on all of them. In fact it executes great against the largest stored procedure. I have looked at and compared the stored procedures that parsed into xml without error and those that failed and nothing jumps out at me.
    What I find interesting is that when I found the line referenced in the error it was a '<' in 2 of the stored procs and an ampersand in the other one. But in each case there were other occurrences of  '<' and '&' that occurred in previous lines of code in the stored proc.
    My workaround was to replace: 
    CAST(N'<?def --' + NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + [Definition] + NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + N'--?>' AS xml)
    TRY_CONVERT(XML,N'<?def --' + NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + [Definition] + NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + N'--?>',1)

    This keeps the code from failing but of course the definition is not created.
    Thanks again. 


    Hi Lee,

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention.  I'm guilty here of using a technique without fully validating it!  I first noticed the technique in Adam Machanic's sp_whoisactive.  http://whoisactive.com/docs/10_commands/ provides an illustration of the approach.  In older versions of SSMS, there was no support for "Retain CR/LF on copy or save", so one trick was to embed the SQL in and XML definition.  Modern SSMS versions have support for CR/LF retention, but they still have a restriction on the maximum size of the text that can be retrieved, so XML is still a workaround.

    There is a thread on this subject at https://sqlblogcasts.com/blogs/martinbell/archive/2009/10/25/How-to-display-long-text-in-SSMS.aspx .  Unfortunately, I'm stymied when it comes to a robust solution.  I can come up with solutions that escape the problematic sequences (in this case, I believe it to be '?>'), but that requires a human to unescape the escapes after copying out the body.  It also falls victim to ambiguity between escaped sequences that match unescaped sequences in the original SQL.  Note that whilw experimenting, I discovered the '--' in the closing '--?>' is unnecessary.

    Another approach would be to bypass the XML workaround and use SSMSBoost, but that feature isn't available in the Community Edition.

    Here is a quick test suite for playing around with approaches:
    Tests AS (
        SELECT V.[SQL]
        FROM ( VALUES
                (    N'SELECT *'+NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10)+
                    N'FROM <bar> Foo' ),
                (    N'SELECT *, ''?>'''+NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10)+
                    N'FROM <bar> Foo' ),
                (    N'SELECT *, ''--'''+NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10)+
                    N'FROM <bar> Foo' ),
                ( NULL )
            ) AS V([SQL])
        TRY_CAST(N'<?def --' + NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + [SQL] +
                    NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + N'--?>' AS xml) AS ProcessingInstruction,
        TRY_CAST(N'<?def --' + NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + REPLACE([SQL], '?>', '? >') +
                    NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + N'?>' AS xml) AS ProcessingInstructionEscape,
        TRY_CAST(N'<!--' + NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + [SQL] +
                    NCHAR(13)+NCHAR(10) + N'-->' AS xml) AS Comment
    FROM Tests;