• I am not sure if this applies to the subject matter, but I have found through experience of moving data across set boundaries (Customer Systems to Supplier Systems) can be accomplished by using existing tools such as regular expressions. In my case I have to decipher information provided by the customer to convert it to data that the supplier systems can identify with. In most cases it requires working with the engineers who have to use the data for existing processes. Terminology is the biggest hurdle to overcome in these situations. However if an Normality can be identified in the format of the data when presented in a string, regular expression's can be used to identify potential gaps in the deciphering process and be presented to the engineers for investigation and resolution. Sometimes issues can be resolved on the code development side, other times collaboration with the Customer Systems Engineers is needed. These situations are usually experienced when Process Changes occur (Either on the Customers Systems or the Suppliers Systems) where the Normality of the formatted data has been effected. Not every data system is designed the same, obviously, however the  intended purpose of the data must exist.   
    For example - The intended Purpose of the data is to define an assembly process of an axle. The data must express a part, a quantity, a description.   So if my description contains "WHEEL"   then we can say a Normality is every axle gets a wheel. So on and so on. Is this Self Healing? Most likely not, but to prevent the need to self heal, to me is the more logical choice.