• No, it's a good question.

    You could look after:

    • If there are som diagrams under the 'Database Diagrams' node in SSMS
    • If tables and columns have Extended Properties.
    There are several  programs that extract the documentation in the database(if there are some).
    To get a simple list over the documentation of tables and columns:

    select object_schema_name(ep.major_id) [Schema],
            object_name(ep.major_id) TableName,
            c.column_id ColumnId,
            c.name ColumnName,
            ep.value [Description]
        from sys.extended_properties as ep
        inner join sys.sysobjects as so on so.id = ep.major_id
        left outer join sys.columns as c on c.object_id = ep.major_id and c.column_id = ep.minor_id
        where so."type" = 'U' and so.name <> 'sysdiagrams' and ep.class_desc = 'object_or_column' and ep.name = 'MS_Description'
        order by object_schema_name(ep.major_id), object_name(ep.major_id);