• Last week my work colleague set up an automatic response on her email - it received an email and returned an I will get back to you email to someone who had subsequently set up an I will get back to you auto-response -  both individuals had their email boxes filled with thousands of I will get back to you preventing them from receiving any other messages while on holiday.

    I am receiving lots of emails from job web-sites that appear to be either scraped or collected automatically often I get repeat emails on the same job from the same and different job site websites. Some of the jobs actually indicate they do not accept approaches from agencies and yet because of poor automation agencies are still sending me emails suggesting I should apply through them. I have been contacted by agencies automatically who then on contact don't want to know or worse give absolutely zero response when contacted personally - this gives the impression that they are not very in control of their processes and or lack integrity.

    There seems to be a big opportunity to improve on automation and I look forward to this to save all of our time.

    In the meantime I suspect we will have some weird things happening where avataars endlessly talk to other avataars until a person steps in.

    I would love some kind of AI overlord for hiring people that truly rules out prejudice and that can identify true value and the appropriate position for an individual based purely on meritocracy. I feel sure that some professionals would feel they need to introduce prejudice to favour for instance their own profession (and by consequence themselves somewhere down the line). I hope that someone will invent a pure mathematical algorithmic based hiring application I think it could be very very interesting as I think it is very difficult for individuals to truly escape their own prejudices.