• DesNorton - Tuesday, May 8, 2018 6:53 AM

    Imke Cronje - Tuesday, May 8, 2018 6:24 AM

    Hi Guys,

    I have to optimize a query that takes hours to run. I cancelled the query because it takes a long time to run. The query makes us of temp tables and makes a left join to another temp table. Both table contains 19 millions records.

    The query is as follows:

    IF object_id ('tempdb..#table2') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #table2 
    a.*, b.column1,b.column2,b.column3,b.column4
    into #table2 
    from #table1 a left join #table3 b on a.column1= b.column1 and a.column2= b.column2

    Any ideas how I can optimize this query? Any help will be much appreciated.


    Things to try ...
    1 - Use proper tables, not #Temp tables
    2 - Add indexes
      * ALTER TABLE #table1 ADD PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (column1,column2); -- Used PK as we do not know how many columns there are.
      * ALTER TABLE #table3 ADD PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (column1,column2); -- Used PK as we do not know how many columns there are.
      * CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_table3 ON #table3(column1,column2) INCLUDE (column3,column4);

    Thanks so much. Will try this.