• Here is a "working" version of the script you have shared. 

    Create table customer
    (custid int constraint ct_id primary key,
    cust_name nvarchar(100),
    cust_addr1 nvarchar(100),
    cust_addr2 nvarchar(100),
    city nvarchar(100),
    cust_zip numeric(5),
    cust_plus4 numeric(4)

    Create table Orders
    (OrderNbr int identity constraint ord_id primary key,
    custid int,
    Order_date datetime,
    OrderQty int,
    RecentOrders Nvarchar(10),
    Constraint fk_custid foreign key (custid) references customer (custid)

    Insert into customer(custid,cust_name,cust_addr1,cust_addr2,cust_zip,cust_plus4)
    ('101','Mike Smith','111 Smith Rd',61111,1111,1111),
    ('102','Nicole Smith','143 Nick Lane',61112,1101,1111),
    ('103','Jose Gomez','155 New York St', 55555,2323,1111)

    Insert into Orders(custid,order_date,orderQty,RecentOrders)
    (101,cast('11-22-2017' as date),20,1),
    (101,cast('11-23-2017' as date),11,2),
    (101,cast('11-24-2017' as date),5,3),
    (101,cast('12-02-2017' as date),25,4),
    (101,cast('01-09-2018' as date),2,5),
    (102,cast('09-02-2017' as date),55,1),
    (102,cast('11-05-2017' as date),6,2),
    (103,cast('01-20-2016' as date),1,1),
    (103,cast('11-10-2017' as date),13,2),
    (103,cast('01-12-2018' as date),25,3)

    Still not able to identify the logic to be used 

    You said..
    If custid=101 and (OrderNbr =1 and order_date > 10-20-2017) or (OrderNbr = 2 and order_date > 11-15-2017) or (OrderNbr=4 and Order_date > 12-05-2017)
    Then update OrderNbr =1 record in Orders table and set column called RecentOrders = ‘3 Orders’ Else 'None' 

    For 101 custid...


    (OrderNbr =1 and order_date > 10-20-2017) or (OrderNbr = 2 and order_date > 11-15-2017) or (OrderNbr=4 and Order_date > 12-05-2017)
     What is the rule to be used for 102 and 103 custid. Better still explain what is the general rule to be used for updating the column