• Bharatvip - Thursday, February 22, 2018 6:09 PM

    We have a MessageQueue table that gets records populated into it. Three different application servers have services that come to pick records from this table in order to process them. The three servers call a stored procedure GetMessageQueue passing in the server from where the call is being made and also the number of records it wants to pick in order to process them. The proc updates the status and populates the processdate so that the next call from a second server or the same one does not pick up the same records. Being done as we are not deleting the processed records from the table. Have done the selecting of the records in an inner loop and made the whole update and select into a single transaction so we don't need begin/commit transaction logic. Unfortunately we are seeing many deadlocks. Looking at the details of the deadlocks seems when the proc is called from two servers there is a deadlock. Would it be ok to put a with (nolock) hint in the inner select or is that not the preferred way to do this.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetMessageQueue]
    @NumMessages int,
    @Server varchar(100) = null
     set nocount on;
    declare @Returntempmsgs table
      MessageQueueId int,
      TypeId int,
      [Data] varchar(max),
      StatusTypeId int
    update e
     set  StatusTypeId = 1,[ProcessStartDate] = getdate(),[Server] = @Server
     output inserted.MessageQueueId, inserted.TypeId, inserted.[Data], inserted.StatusTypeId
     into @Returntempmsgs  
     from MessageQueue e
     where MessageQueueId in (
     select top (@NumMessages)  
       from  MessageQueue 
       where  ProcessStartDate is null
       order by MessageQueueId asc
     select * from @Returntempmsgs 

    Here is part of the Extended events description:
    <keylock hobtid="72057594043236352" dbid="7" objectname="Consumer.dbo.MessageQueue" indexname="PK_MessageQueue" id="lockccdf88fb80" mode="X" associatedObjectId="72057594043236352">
    <owner id="processccd2e7b848" mode="X" />
    <waiter id="processccd4d344e8" mode="U" requestType="wait" />
    <keylock hobtid="72057594046840832" dbid="7" objectname="Consumer.dbo.MessageQueue" indexname="ix_MessageQueue_ProcessStartDate" id="lockcc577f0980" mode="S" associatedObjectId="72057594046840832">
    <owner id="processccd4d344e8" mode="S" />
    <waiter id="processccd2e7b848" mode="X" requestType="wait" />


    Using the NOLOCK table hint is a way to prevent table locks for SELECT, but you won't be able to stop locks from occurring on UPDATE statements, and besides, using NOLOCK puts you at significant risk for not even getting the correct result for your query that uses it.   You need to fully understand exactly what that hint does before using it.   The vast majority of the time, it really should NOT be used.   The question I have is why you would share a message queue among multiple applications.   Why not use separate message queues?

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)