• Yep, that's fine.  The results are interesting.

    1) Do you often/very often search by a SentDate range?
    2) Is a 1 year range typical for a date search? What % of rows is that?

    If answer to #1 is yes, I'd consider clustering on SentDate instead. You could add Sent_ID and Seg_ID if you want to get a unique clus key.

    You'd keep the same PK, just make it nonclus.

    You'd have to decide if you need to add Sent_ID and/or Seg_ID to the DocType index.

    To try this, the steps would be:

    1) Drop index IX_Sent_01
    2) Drop index IX_Sent_02
    3) Drop constraint PK_Sent
    4) Create clus index on SentDate [or on ( SendDate, Sent_ID, Seg_ID )].
    5) Add constraint PK_Sent: ALTER TABLE dbo.Sent ADD CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( Sent_ID, Seg_Id ) ...
    6) Recreate the DocType index (IX_Sent_02).

    Btw, you have a lot of clustered index scans on other tables in that query.  You should probably review the indexes on those tables as well.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.