• Anjan Wahwar - Thursday, December 7, 2017 10:41 PM

    Hello Anjan,
    How are you doing sir?
    You can use an OUTER JOIN as follows -

    declare @SiteFullAccessFlag int = 1
    declare @dimsite  table (sitekey int, site varchar(20))
    declare @fact   table (id int, sitekey int)
    declare @siteaccess table (sitekey int)

    insert into @dimsite(sitekey, site)
    (1, 'site 1'),
    (2, 'site 2'),
    (3, 'site 3'),
    (4, 'site 4'),
    (5, 'site 5')

    insert into @fact (id, sitekey)
    (1, 1),
    (2, 2),
    (3, 3),
    (4, 4),
    (5, 5)

    insert into @siteaccess (sitekey)

    select * from @dimsite
    select * from @fact
    select * from @siteaccess

    /* query */
    select *
    from @fact as f
    inner join @dimsite as d
    on f.sitekey = d.sitekey
    left join @siteaccess as a
    on f.sitekey = a.sitekey
    (@SiteFullAccessFlag = 1) or
    (@SiteFullAccessFlag = 0 and a.sitekey is not null)

    /* In the case where the user has full access, if
    you can change the logic to populate the
    @SiteAccess table with ALL sitekeys instead of
    keeping it blank, then the query would be a
    simple INNER JOIN, which I guess would be faster
    because a WHERE would not be needed

    e.g. query */
    select *
    from @fact as f
    inner join @dimsite as d on f.sitekey = d.sitekey
    inner join @siteaccess as a on f.sitekey = a.sitekey