• Managed to find the solution a similar solution in "STACK OVER FLOW" and then had to modify it slightly. So it works .. Here you go 

    ;WITH T AS
    SELECT *,
       DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY EligMonth) - EligMonth AS Grp
    FROM #t
         MIN(EligMonth) AS RangeStart,
       MAX(EligMonth) AS RangeEnd,
         MAX(EligMonth) - MIN(EligMonth) as DIFF
    FROM T
    GROUP BY BeneficiaryID, Grp
    Select * FROM CONSECUTIVE_MONTHS_TOGETHER WHERE DIFF > 2 --( See Explanation )

    This solution works when the numbers are in a sequence ( that is the case with my example )
    So if you had any 3 months of consecutive coverage the difference between the largest and smallest must be > 2 -- OR ( >= (3) )

    Here is the internet article that helped me....


    CASE CLOSED ... NO FURTHER HELP NEEDED. Have a wonderful day .