• msimone - Thursday, February 1, 2018 4:42 AM

    Hello, i have a discussion with a co-worker about normal code or dynamic code in a OLTP.
    The example is:

    create table dbo.test (id smallint primary key, description nvarchar(50))

    create procedure dbo.test1 (@Id smallint = null)
    declare @comando nvarchar(1024)
    set @comando='select id,description from dbo.test '
    set @inter='@id smllint'
    if @id is not null
     set @comando=@comando+'where id=@id'
    exec sp_executesql @comando,@inter,@id=@id
    create procedure dbo.test2 (@id smallint,@rows int)
    select top (@rows) id,description from dbo.test where @id>=@id

    In yours opinión, what is the best solution for a lot of executions?

    It is based on your need and requirements