Home Forums Programming Powershell Remove-Item giving error and not accepting path passed thru variable RE: Remove-Item giving error and not accepting path passed thru variable

  • shahnr21 - Sunday, December 17, 2017 9:44 PM

    Here is the code I am trying:

    [string] $Server= "ServerName"
    [string] $Database = "DBName"
    $UserSqlQuery= $("select FileDelete from DBName.dbo.tmp_TableName")

    $resultsDataTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
    $resultsDataTable.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn 'FileDelete', ([string])))

    $resultsDataTable = ExecuteSqlQuery $Server $Database $UserSqlQuery
    Write-Host ("The table contains: " + $resultsDatatable.Rows.Count + " rows")

    echo $resultsDatatable

    $RowDelete = $resultsDatatable

    foreach($RowDelete in $resultsDatatable) 
    echo "Inside For Loop"  
    echo $RowDelete  
    write-host “Deleting Duplicate PDF File/ Letterâ€; 
    # $RowDelete | foreach { $_.Delete()} 
    # $RowDelete | Remove-Item -Recurse -WhatIf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue  
    Remove-Item -recurse -force $RowDelete -erroraction silentlycontinue -Whatif 

    DBName.dbo.tmp_TableName has single column with multiple values of path of the file on shared drive.

    Example of Actual Path passed thru $RowDelete is \\ccaintranet.com\Path\abc.pdf.

    The code is working without any error now. But it is not deleting the file from windows folder.

    Can someone please help me to diagnose the error?


    Expected Result -
    By running executing following query, $UserSqlQuery= $("select FileDelete from ServerName.DBName.dbo.tmp_TableName")
    $resultsDataTable gets multiple rows. These are file names with the path in the format below -
    \\ccaintranet.com\Shared Server\Data\FS02-V\ClientName\Workspace\User\TestLetters\63566\1002059003.pdf

    And what I am trying to achieve is deleting the above file using Remove-Item in PowerShell script.
    Hope this information helps.

    It may not be working without any errors as they are just ignored when using -erroraction silentlycontinue. If you remove that, what are the errors? You will still get the errors if you are using -WhatIf
    I think this is different than what you originally had posted. You were getting objects back, datarows, from Invoke-Sqlcmd or something like that.
    Not sure if you are running into the same thing but you would want to check the type of $RowDelete, Try doing a $RowDelete.GetType() to make sure you are dealing with string values. The name in the output values tells you the type. 
