• Casper101 - Friday, December 22, 2017 3:36 AM

    My question is:
    When Transactional replication fails, where can I see on which object it failed? I have queried various tables but none from what I can see, pinpoints the exact object (article) name where the failure occurs

    any help would be greatly appeciated


    The easiest way is to use sp_browsereplcmds in the distribution database  - pass in the publisher_database_id and also get the xact_seqno and command_id from the error in the Agent to pass in.
    This stored procedure generally queries MSrepl_commands as the table has the article id and the xact_seqno.
    You could try to figure it out on your own with MSrepl_commands. The error message would be in MSrepl_errors which also has the xact_seqno and command_id
