• natigsqlserver - Saturday, December 30, 2017 8:57 AM

    Thom A - Saturday, December 30, 2017 8:51 AM

    I'll start off with an introduction anyway. This version below will avoid injection. I've commented the lines, which should help you understand what it's doing. if however, you don't, please do ask. You'll note this only does a SELECT, nothing else. As I said above, I suggest splitting out the operations:

    CREATE PROC dbo.crud_select_operation @TableName varchar(100), @id INT = NULL
      DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000); --This will hold our Dynamic SQL
      DECLARE @parm nvarchar(100); --This hold the definition of our parameter for our D-SQL, if we need it.
      --Start off with the basic of the SELECT statement
      SELECT @SQL = N'
      SELECT *
      FROM ' + QUOTENAME([name]) --Quote the table name, incase it has special characters
      FROM sys.tables --We use sys.tables, to ensure the table exists. If it doesn't exist, then NULL is returned (and no SQL is run)
      WHERE [name] = @TableName;
      --Let's do the part where there is an ID
       SET @SQL = @SQL + N'
      WHERE id = @dID;'; --This adds a WHERE clause
       SET @parm = N'@dID int'; --And that's the definition of our parameter in our Dynamic SQL
       PRINT @SQL;
       EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, @parm, @dID = @ID; --And the bit that runs it all. We're much safer using sp_executesql
       --This is is there is no ID
       SET @SQL = @SQL + N';'; --Future proofing
       PRINT @SQL;
       EXEC sp_executesql @SQL;

    thank you very much 
    but i need insert and update 

    Yes, I know you do; as i said before, are you happy to have these separately? Do you understand what the above is doing, and why it's safer?

    The most important thing you need to learn from this post is the danger of SQL injection. I may well solve the problem you intially came here for later, however, what you need to learn is how bad the current SP you have is. You need to be able to come away from this topic knowing to never create a stored procedure like that, and to know how you should do it instead in the future as well.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.