• SQLNu - Wednesday, December 27, 2017 5:18 PM

    I'm making a query which can provide the last compliance status for updates for a collection per machines[SCCM Database]. The issue that I am having is that when i run the query on multiple machines, i am getting incorrect results. Currently, i am trying it with a CTE, but i don't know how to pass the computer value to the CTE function, below is the query i am using which is returning nothing when I run it, but if I move the computername inside the CTE function it works as intended.

    WITH cteUpdateComplianceStatus (myResourceID, myUpdateStatus,myComp,myLastStatusCheckTime)
        SELECT TOP 1

                UCS.ResourceID AS 'myResourceID',
                UCS.Status AS 'myUpdateStatus',
                RS.Name0 AS 'myComp',
                UCS.LastStatusCheckTime AS 'myLastStatusCheckTime'

        FROM dbo.v_Update_ComplianceStatus UCS
        JOIN dbo.v_R_System RS ON UCS.ResourceID = RS.ResourceID

        WHERE UCS.LastStatusCheckTime IS NOT NULL
        ORDER BY UCS.LastStatusCheckTime DESC

        cte.myComp AS 'COMPUTER',
        cte.myUpdateStatus AS 'UpdateStatus'    
        FROM dbo.v_R_System vRS
        JOIN cteUpdateComplianceStatus cte ON cte.myResourceID = vRS.ResourceID
        WHERE vRS.Name0 = 'COMPUTERNAME'

    You have the cte doing a select 1 so it's only selecting one row with the most recent laststatuschecktime.
    Try removing the top 1 and filter by computer name outside of the cte
