• rkordonsky 63916 - Thursday, December 14, 2017 8:26 AM

    Dear colleagues,
    I got a very peculiar situation. Here is my code:

    Declare @startdate as datetime
    Declare @enddate as datetime
    Declare @newfee as money
    DeclaRE @oldfee as money
    Set @startdate = '2014-09-01'
    Set @enddate = '2017-08-31'
    Set @newfee = 595.00
    Set @oldfee = 795.00

    n.ID as IndID,
    CASE WHEN n.MEMBER_TYPE IN('NLS','SFI','SFINL','SI','SIF') THEN 'Sponsor' ELSE 'Nonsponsor' END as Sponsor,
    CASE WHEN ((select SUM(TOTAL_PAYMENTS) from Orders where ST_ID = n.ID and ORDER_DATE BETWEEN @startdate and @enddate) < 0) THEN 0 ELSE (select SUM(TOTAL_PAYMENTS) from Orders where ST_ID = n.ID and ORDER_DATE BETWEEN @startdate and @enddate) END as "3-Year Spending",
         WHEN DATEDIFF(YEAR, CAST(ISNULL(u.YAB,'2000') As Datetime), @enddate) < 3
         THEN (select SUM(TOTAL_PAYMENTS) from Orders where ST_ID = n.ID and ORDER_DATE BETWEEN @startdate and @enddate) / (DATEDIFF(YEAR,CAST(ISNULL(u.YAB,'2000') As Datetime),@enddate))
         ELSE (select SUM(TOTAL_PAYMENTS) from Orders where BT_ID = n.ID and ORDER_DATE BETWEEN @startdate and @enddate) / 3 END as average_annual,
    from Name as n --inner join Orders as o on n.ID = o.BT_ID
          FROM BM_OnlinePass_Subscription_Archive ba
          WHERE ba.ClientID = n.ID
          ORDER BY StartDate DESC) as b --on n.ID = b.clientID
        INNER JOIN UD_Indiv_Data as u on n.ID = u.ID
        --LEFT OUTER JOIN BM_OnlinePass_Subscription_Archive as b on n.ID = b.clientID
    where n.COMPANY_RECORD = 0
    and Len(RTrim(LTrim(n.Full_Name))) > 0
    and n.MEMBER_TYPE IN('NLS','SFI','SFINL','SI','SIF','NI','NIF','NL','SYSI','WEB')
    and n.Status = 'A'
    and (n.ID NOT IN(Select ClientID from BM_OnlinePass_Subscription) OR n.ID NOT IN(Select ClientID from BM_OnlinePass_Subscription_Archive))

    In my case u.YAB has varchar datatype and sometimes has NULL value. What is peculiar this date conversion error I got when removed BM_OnlinePass_Subscription_Archive table. When this table was in a query I did not get any error.
    Any idea why? Thank you.

    I'm pretty sure that the cause of the problem is that back when the CROSS APPLY was part of the query, it was effectively eliminating any rows where the YAB value was something other than a valid datetime string.   You'll either have to update those "offending values", or use TRY_CAST or TRY_CONVERT instead, and move the ISNULL function outside of that cast or convert.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)