Holiday traditions

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  • Many years ago, before I was married or "in a relationship" I had a personal "tradition". I used to deliberately go into work between Christmas and the New Year. The roads were clear, I would set off late and still get into work early. I used to do loads of "housekeeping". In particular I used to delete  clutter from my personal data spaces. I saved "holiday days" and it didn't make much difference to my social life which was mostly in the evenings.

    This was also a good time to reflect on the past year and make plans for the coming year. Thinking of it now, this last activity was rather like what is meant by the Roman god Janus ( )

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  • We go to an Asian buffet with friends on Christmas Day since most of our families are elsewhere.

  • I too, was so lucky to have Santa not only bring the presents, he also brought the tree and all of the decorations.  We would put up Christmas lights on the outside of the house with my father (God rest his soul), put Christmas cards we received on the front door and entrance way.  Then on Christmas Eve we leave out home made cookies we the children had made with a class of milk. Then on Christmas morning about 5 or 6am we could not take it any more and had to see.  We would wake up mom and dad, they told us they needed to see if he had been there yet, to hold on.  They would get dressed and get the 8mm camera with the set of 4 bright light on it ready, then we were able to go.  It was truly magical.  Thank you Mom and Dad, I know it was not easy for you to do.

    Now, I do take advantage of the time between Christmas and New Years to take care of things, that were not critical but need to be none.
    Would Like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and mostly  Good Will towards ALL - We have only One World, lets make the best of it.

  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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