Reporting service 2017 error, and SSRS service is not shown up in the SQL server configuration manager

  • I did an in-place upgrade for a SQL server 2014 to 2017.

    The server has both databases and reporting services.

    I run from the installation files then it tells to download reporting service first and then install the new SSRS service. then it uninstall the old service from the wizard and upgraded the database engine.

    After that I get into reporting service manager to reconfigure the site and database and restore the encryption key.

    Then I go to the web portal http://myservername/reports, I got an error:
    Service unavailable , HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

    I restarted the service from configuration manager of reporting service, it does not help.

    What could be wrong?
    Also I don't see SSRS services shows up in the SQL Server Configuration Manager (it shows in reporting server configuration manager),  there only shows SQL server and Sql server agent services, are these supposed to be in SQL server 2017?
    It is so different with previous version of SSRS, so not sure if this is correct?

    Also I don't see the scale out deployment tab in reporting server configuration manager, I installed the standard edition.
    So no that feature, but in previous version it still shows the tab, is that supposed to be not shown this tab in standard edition of SSRS?

  • I found somehow the upgrade process add MSSQLServer to the keytable.

    I deleted that record and just leave SSRS item key there. Now I can access the web portal and also reporting server service.

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