Weird Depolyment issue with package with a script task.

  • We are in the middle of a BI upgrade project and was testing the script task.

    We are having a weird issue with a deployed package using a vb script task.
    To recreate the issue
    We created a new package in SSDT 17.3 build 14.0.61709.290 targeted 2016 with a  script task and a mail task .. I have a read\write variable named date, I create the VB script task to assign the date variable current date time. I then mail the new value.

    When we test on our developers machines (more then one testing) the scripts run fine no issues.
    When we deploy to our SQL 2016 server  the VB script is not running and not setting the variable.

    If I copy the package to the server and then deploy from the server, the scripts runs as expected.

    Can anyone direct me to what is going on and what the issue is?

  • Found out I have to use the SQL Server 2016  isdeploymentwizard.exe  to deploy rather then deploying within SSTD. I thought MS was making the tools backward compatible. We may have to step back to SSDT 16.5 and see if that works.

  • did you find out your self or did you find something on the net? 

    We have a similar problem on our shop at the moment.


  • frederico_fonseca - Tuesday, December 12, 2017 1:03 PM

    did you find out your self or did you find something on the net? 

    We have a similar problem on our shop at the moment.


    Been doing a lot of testing and posting on the MS forums. Here is what I found. If your Integration Services Server is 2016 then you need to stay with SSDT 16.5. You also need SSMS 16.5 installed as well. When You deploy a package within SSDT it needs to use the 2016 isdeploymentwizard.exe . 
    if you want to read some of my testing details. Here is a link.

    but for everything to work correctly I downgraded SSDT to 16.5, install SSMS 16.5 and if you install SSMS 17.x + there is no issues but you have to keep 16.5 installed.

    Ok I have downgraded to SSDT 16.5 and Currently have SSMS 16.5 and I can deploy Packages now from SSDT.

    If I deploy the Project in SSDT 16.5 the script executes

    If I deploy the package in SSDT 16.5 the script execute

    If I deploy the package with SQL 2016 isdeploymentwizard.exe the script executes.

    So this is exactly what I want to work. Shame upgrading the SSDT breaks the package deployment for Integrations Services 2016.

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