Reporting by date - DateTrunc

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Reporting by date - DateTrunc

  • See the example below in which it appears the function does perform as expected:

  • I'm not sure what you'd expect the function to return when the number is not a divisor of the number of units in the implied containing period.

    For example, if we have an interval of months, we are typically looking at how they repeat within a year, and it makes sense to have n as 1,2,3,4 or 6.  So, for example, 3 months = 1 quarter and we get 4 per year.  But if we asked for a period of 5 months then the generated dates will not be aligned to a year and the results will not have an obvious meaning.  Likewise we might be looking at minutes within an hour, so 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30 make sense; for example to report an activity for every 5 minutes within the hour makes sense, but asking for the value in groups of 13 minutes would not as it wouldn't repeat each hour.

    In your example, 3 quarters (9 months) is not a divisor of a year, aka 4 quarters aka 12 months, so the result has no intuitive meaning.

    I should have added this as a conceptual limitation of the function.

  • I think this a serious limitation for a great function but why not do something like this:
    --where zero is the current value of the unit
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[DateTrunc]
        @Unit varchar(10),
        @DateTime datetime,
        @Num int
    RETURNS DateTime

            case left(@Unit, 1)
            when 'y' then dateadd(yy, datediff(yy, 0, @DateTime) -@num, 0)
            when 'q' then dateadd(qq, datediff(qq, 0, @DateTime) -@num, 0)
            when 'w' then dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, @DateTime) -@num, 0)
            when 'd' then dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, @DateTime) -@num, 0)
            when 'h' then dateadd(hh, datediff(hh, 0, @DateTime) -@num, 0)
            when 'n' then dateadd(mi, datediff(mi, 0, @DateTime) -@num, 0)
            when 's' then dateadd(ss, datediff(ss, dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, @DateTime), 0), @DateTime) -@num, dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, @DateTime), 0))
            when 'm' then
            Case when @Unit in ('month', 'mm', 'm')    then dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, @DateTime) -@num, 0)
                 when @Unit in ('minute', 'mi')        then dateadd(mi, datediff(mi, 0, @DateTime) -@num, 0)
                 else null
            else null



  • Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how I should use the variant of the function you suggest.

    Here is an example of how I would expect my version to be used, in this case for multiples of minutes.
    Taking the 5th line as an example, if I wanted to have times truncated to 5 minute intervals I would use n = 5.
    declare @dt as datetime; set @dt = '2017-12-20 13:17:44'
    select '1 min slot', dbo.datetrunc('mi', @dt, 1)
    select '2 min slot', dbo.datetrunc('mi', @dt, 2)
    select '3 min slot', dbo.datetrunc('mi', @dt, 3)
    select '4 min slot', dbo.datetrunc('mi', @dt, 4)
    select '5 min slot', dbo.datetrunc('mi', @dt, 5)
    select '6 min slot', dbo.datetrunc('mi', @dt, 6)
    select '10 min slot', dbo.datetrunc('mi', @dt, 10)
    select '15 min slot', dbo.datetrunc('mi', @dt, 15)
    select '20 min slot', dbo.datetrunc('mi', @dt, 20)

    Which gives me (as the minutes portion) 
    1 -> 17, 2 -> 16, 3 -> 15, 4 -> 16, 5 -> 15, 6 -> 12, 10 ->10, 15 -> 15, 20 -> 0 - that is the portion truncated to multiples of n minutes.
    I can't see how I can get your flavour to do that.

    Here's another example.  I want to see how many jobs have been created in each 5 minute interval for each day in some particular week
    select dbo.datetrunc('d', CreatedOn, 5), dbo.datetrunc('mi', CreatedOn, 5), count(*)
    from tblJob
    where CreatedOn >='2017-02-01' and CreatedOn < '2017-02-08'
    group by dbo.datetrunc('d', CreatedOn, 5), dbo.datetrunc('mi', CreatedOn, 5)
    order by 1,2

    This lists the day, the time truncated to 5 minutes, and the count.
    In my mind there is no meaning to a 7 or 23 minute truncation - if I wanted that then I'd use datepart and do a relevant division on that within the context of the date truncated to an hour or day.

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