• First off "cobbling together" a nice looking report means nothing. Artists can do that or even amateur photographers. Any business managers making conclusions on such reports (of which there are plenty) will last maybe a few months or if disastrous just days.
    The ability to draw nice reports to show data is not what makes a data scientist.
    Besides the inherent disability of business managers to articulate their requirements other than "I need a golden goose!" makes the life of any data professional interesting.

    The ability to understand data and turn it into information requires in my opinion two main skills:
    * Understand data lineage to find out where problems lurk underneath
    * Understand the business the information is for
    Anything else like gathering business requirements, create reports, analyse data and present results builds on top of these two skills.

    Not sure how automation of data capture and transformation will play out. Some much more clever people than I probably come up with some really brilliant implementation. Until then people like I stumble around companies which try to make sense of the data they have to gather some information.