• I've run cdc for incremental loading in several projects and I've found that it a) has some bugs,  plus b) it has performance issues with larger datasets. In a MS Connect item I've reported these issues to Microsoft, including a procedure generating alternative functions for the fn_cdc_get_net_changes_<capture_instance>() functions that do return correct results to illustrate the problems. The attachment does however not (yet) show in Connect, so I share it here too hoping you can all vote-up my connect item for MS to seriously consider fixing the log reader....

    Please vote up!

    Below procedure is the attachment I've sent to MS. It generates alternative fn_cdc_get_net_changes_...() functions that will not return superfluous rows with __$operation = 1 generated from deferred updates. The generated functions are highly optimised to be as fast as, if no faster than, MS' "fixed" version. However if your data has a lot of 'deleted' rows (__$operation equals 1) the fix requires an additional scan on the _CT table MS' version does not require, so in these situations the fix may cost you a little performance. The better solution would be MS fixing the log reader to never put defered updates as pairs of 1 & 2 into the _CT tables.... In which case the fn_cdc_get_net_changes functions can get really blazing fast, even for large data sets!
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGenerateCustomCDCnetFunctions]
       set nocount on;

       if object_id('tempdb..#definitions') is not null
           drop table #definitions;

       raiserror('Generating function bodies...', 0, 0) with nowait;

             '[cdc].' + quotename('fn_rpr_get_net_changes_' + ct.capture_instance ) as functionName,
       N'CREATE FUNCTION [cdc].' + quotename('fn_rpr_get_net_changes_' + ct.capture_instance)
                + s.crlf + N'(    @from_lsn binary(10),'
                + s.crlf + N'    @to_lsn binary(10),'
                + s.crlf + N'    @row_filter_option nvarchar(30)'
                + s.crlf + N')'
                + s.crlf + N'returns table'
                + s.crlf + N'return'
                + s.crlf + N''
                + s.crlf + N' select'
                + s.crlf + N'  NULL as __$start_lsn,'
                + s.crlf + N'  NULL as __$operation,'
                + s.crlf + N'  NULL as __$update_mask'

        + (
         select N','
        + s.crlf + N'  NULL as ' + quotename(col.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.captured_columns col
         where col.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by col.column_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N' where ( [sys].[fn_cdc_check_parameters]( N' + quotename(ct.capture_instance, '''') + ', @from_lsn, @to_lsn, lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))), 1) = 0)'
                + s.crlf + N''
                + s.crlf + N' union all'
                + s.crlf + N''
                + s.crlf + N''
                + s.crlf + N' select'
                + s.crlf + N'  l.[__$start_lsn],'
                + s.crlf + N'  case'
                + s.crlf + N'   when l.__$operation = 1 then 1'
                + s.crlf + N'   when l.__$operation = 2 then 5'
                + s.crlf + N'   when l.__$operation = 4 then 5'
                + s.crlf + N'  end as __$operation,'
                + s.crlf + N'  NULL as [__$update_mask]'

        + (
         select N','
        + s.crlf + N'  l.' + quotename(col.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.captured_columns col
         where col.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by col.column_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N' from ('
                + s.crlf + N'   select top (1) NULL as c'
                + s.crlf + N'   from ('
                + s.crlf + N'     select'
                + s.crlf + N'      lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))),'
                + s.crlf + N'      N' + quotename( ct.capture_instance, '''')
                + s.crlf + N'    ) p ([filter_option], [capture_instance])'
                + s.crlf + N'   where p.[filter_option] = N''all with merge'''
                + s.crlf + N'       and [sys].[fn_cdc_check_parameters]( p.[capture_instance], @from_lsn, @to_lsn, p.filter_option, 1) = 1'
                + s.crlf + N'  ) c'
                + s.crlf + N'  cross join ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l -- Last operation per key value.'
                + s.crlf + N'  inner join ('
                + s.crlf + N'    select'

        + (
                 s.crlf + N'     m.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ',' as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N'     max(m.__$seqval) as __$seqval_max, -- Sequence value for Last operation.'
                + s.crlf + N'     min(m.__$seqval) as __$seqval_min -- Sequence value for First operation.'
                + s.crlf + N'    from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' m'
                + s.crlf + N'    where m.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'     and m.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'     and m.__$operation in (1,2,4)'
                + s.crlf + N'    group by'

        + stuff((
                + s.crlf + N'     m.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')

                + s.crlf + N'   ) x on ('

        + stuff((
         select N' and x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = l.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 5, '') + N' and x.__$seqval_max = l.__$seqval)'

                + s.crlf + N'  where l.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'   and l.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'            and (l.__$operation = 4 -- New values for updates.'
                + s.crlf + N'    or l.__$operation = 2 -- Inserted values or New values for defered updates.'
                + s.crlf + N'    or (l.__$operation = 1 -- Old values for defered updates or deletes.'
                + s.crlf + N'      and not exists ('
                + s.crlf + N'        -- Suppress all deletes that are the old values part of a defered update.'
                + s.crlf + N'        -- We only use the other part of the defered update, the row with __$operation = 2.'
                + s.crlf + N'        select *'
                + s.crlf + N'        from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l3'
                + s.crlf + N'        where'

        + stuff((
                + s.crlf + N'         and l3.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 32, '')

                + s.crlf + N'         and l3.__$seqval = x.__$seqval_max'
                + s.crlf + N'         and l3.__$operation = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'       )'
                + s.crlf + N'      and not exists ('
                + s.crlf + N'        -- If there is only 1 sequence for row ''l'', we don''t need to check for previous'
                + s.crlf + N'        -- actions (hence the not x.__$seqval_max = x.__$seqval_min). But if multiple'
                + s.crlf + N'        -- sequences do exist, we need to suppress those deletes for rows that were'
                + s.crlf + N'        -- first inserted within this same range (__$seqval_min). Net result should'
                + s.crlf + N'        -- look as if the row never existed at all. But again, we need to exclude'
                + s.crlf + N'        -- deferred updates here too: if both __$operation = 1 and __$operation = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'        -- exists it is a defered update instead of an insert.'
                + s.crlf + N'        select *'
                + s.crlf + N'        from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l4'
                + s.crlf + N'        where not x.__$seqval_max = x.__$seqval_min'

        + (
                + s.crlf + N'         and l4.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N'         and l4.__$seqval = x.__$seqval_min'
                + s.crlf + N'         and l4.__$operation in (1, 2)'
                + s.crlf + N'        having min(l4.__$operation) = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'      )'
                + s.crlf + N'     )'
                + s.crlf + N'    )'
                + s.crlf + N''
                + s.crlf + N' union all'
                + s.crlf + N''
                + s.crlf + N' select'
                + s.crlf + N'  l.[__$start_lsn],'
                + s.crlf + N'  case'
                + s.crlf + N'   when l.__$operation = 1 -- We have already excluded all'
                + s.crlf + N'    then 1     -- deletes of rows that did not'
                + s.crlf + N'           -- exist before the batch started'
                + s.crlf + N'           -- in the where conditions. So any'
                + s.crlf + N'           -- delete(1) __$operation here must'
                + s.crlf + N'           -- be a net delete(1) of a row that'
                + s.crlf + N'           -- existed before the batch.'
                + s.crlf + N'   when exists ('
                + s.crlf + N'      -- If the l.__$operation is not a delete(1),'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- the net __$operation depends on what the'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- first __$operation in this batch is. If'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- the first __$operation is an insert(2), and'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- not one that is part of a defered update,'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- then the net __$operation is an insert(2).'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- Otherwise the row existed before this batch'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- started and thus the net __$operation is an'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- update(4). For a defered update both an'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- insert(2) and a delete(1) __$operation'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- exists, for an insert only an insert(2)'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- __$operation exists. So I''m looking for'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- a single __$operation 2 on the first operation.'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- I can''t optimize for the single operation'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- situation here, because the last operation'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- may be a defered update, giving'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- l.__$operation = 2 whereas the net result'
                + s.crlf + N'      -- should be update(4).'
                + s.crlf + N'      select *'
                + s.crlf + N'      from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l4'
                + s.crlf + N'      where'

        + stuff((
                + s.crlf + N'       and l4.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 26, '')
                + s.crlf + N'       and l4.__$seqval = x.__$seqval_min'
                + s.crlf + N'       and l4.__$operation in (1, 2)'
                + s.crlf + N'      having min(l4.__$operation) = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'     )'
                + s.crlf + N'    then 2'
                + s.crlf + N'    else 4'
                + s.crlf + N'  end as __$operation,'
                + s.crlf + N'  NULL as [__$update_mask]'

        + (
         select N','
        + s.crlf + N'  l.' + quotename(col.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.captured_columns col
         where col.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by col.column_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N' from ('
                + s.crlf + N'   select top (1) NULL as c'
                + s.crlf + N'   from ('
                + s.crlf + N'     select'
                + s.crlf + N'      lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))),'
                + s.crlf + N'      N' + quotename( ct.capture_instance, '''')
                + s.crlf + N'    ) p ([filter_option], [capture_instance])'
                + s.crlf + N'   where p.[filter_option] = N''all'''
                + s.crlf + N'       and [sys].[fn_cdc_check_parameters]( p.[capture_instance], @from_lsn, @to_lsn, p.filter_option, 1) = 1'
                + s.crlf + N'  ) c'
                + s.crlf + N'  cross join ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l -- Last operation per key value.'
                + s.crlf + N'  inner join ('
                + s.crlf + N'   select'

        + (
                + s.crlf + N'     m.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ',' as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N'     max(m.__$seqval) as __$seqval_max, -- Sequence value for Last operation.'
                + s.crlf + N'     min(m.__$seqval) as __$seqval_min -- Sequence value for First operation.'
                + s.crlf + N'    from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' m'
                + s.crlf + N'    where m.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'     and m.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'     and m.__$operation in (1,2,4)'
                + s.crlf + N'    group by'

        + stuff((
                + s.crlf + N'     m.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')

                + s.crlf + N'   ) x on ('

        + stuff((
         select N' and x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = l.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 5, '') + N' and x.__$seqval_max = l.__$seqval)'

                + s.crlf + N' where l.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'  and l.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'        and (l.__$operation = 4  -- New values for updates.'
                + s.crlf + N'   or l.__$operation = 2 -- Inserted values or New values for defered updates.'
                + s.crlf + N'   or (l.__$operation = 1 -- Deleted values or Old values for defered updates.'
                + s.crlf + N'     and not exists ('
                + s.crlf + N'       -- Exclude all deletes that are the old values part of a defered update.'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- We will only use the other part of the defered update, the row with'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- l.__$operation = 2.'
                + s.crlf + N'       select *'
                + s.crlf + N'       from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l3'
                + s.crlf + N'       where'

        + stuff((
                + s.crlf + N'         and l3.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 32, '')

                + s.crlf + N'        and l3.__$seqval = x.__$seqval_max'
                + s.crlf + N'        and l3.__$operation = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'      )'
                + s.crlf + N'     and not exists ('
                + s.crlf + N'       -- If there is only 1 operation for row ''l'', we don''t need to check for previous'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- actions (hence the not x.__$seqval_max = x.__$seqval_min). But if multiple'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- sequences do exist, we need to exclude those deletes for rows that were'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- first inserted within this same range (__$seqval_min). Net result should'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- look as if the row never existed at all. But again, we need to account for'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- defered updates here too: if both __$operation = 1 and __$operation = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- exists the first operation is a defered update instead of an insert and'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- we should include the delete(1) operation l.'
                + s.crlf + N'       select *'
                + s.crlf + N'       from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l4'
                + s.crlf + N'       where not x.__$seqval_max = x.__$seqval_min'

        + (
                + s.crlf + N'        and l4.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N'        and l4.__$seqval = x.__$seqval_min'
                + s.crlf + N'        and l4.__$operation in (1, 2)'
                + s.crlf + N'       having min(l4.__$operation) = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'     )'
                + s.crlf + N'    )'
                + s.crlf + N'   )'
                + s.crlf + N''
                + s.crlf + N' union all'
                + s.crlf + N''
                + s.crlf + N' select'
                + s.crlf + N'  l.[__$start_lsn],'
                + s.crlf + N'  case'
                + s.crlf + N'   when l.__$operation = 1'
                + s.crlf + N'    then 1'
                + s.crlf + N'   when exists ('
                + s.crlf + N'      select *'
                + s.crlf + N'      from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l4'
                + s.crlf + N'      where'

        + stuff((
                + s.crlf + N'       and l4.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 26, '')

                + s.crlf + N'         and l4.__$seqval = x.__$seqval_min'
                + s.crlf + N'         and l4.__$operation in (1, 2)'
                + s.crlf + N'        having min(l4.__$operation) = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'       )'
                + s.crlf + N'    then 2'
                + s.crlf + N'    else 4'
                + s.crlf + N'  end as __$operation,'
                + s.crlf + N'  x.__$update_mask'

        + (
         select N','
        + s.crlf + N'  l.' + quotename(col.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.captured_columns col
         where col.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by col.column_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N' from ('
                + s.crlf + N'   select top (1) NULL as c'
                + s.crlf + N'   from ('
                + s.crlf + N'     select'
                + s.crlf + N'      lower(rtrim(ltrim(@row_filter_option))),'
                + s.crlf + N'      N' + quotename( ct.capture_instance, '''')
                + s.crlf + N'    ) p ([filter_option], [capture_instance])'
                + s.crlf + N'   where p.[filter_option] = N''all with mask'''
                + s.crlf + N'       and [sys].[fn_cdc_check_parameters]( p.[capture_instance], @from_lsn, @to_lsn, p.filter_option, 1) = 1'
                + s.crlf + N'  ) c'
                + s.crlf + N'  cross join ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l -- Last operation per key value.'
                + s.crlf + N'  inner join ('
                + s.crlf + N'    select'

        + (
                + s.crlf + N'     m.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ',' as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N'     max(m.__$seqval) as __$seqval_max, -- Sequence value for Last operation.'
                + s.crlf + N'     min(m.__$seqval) as __$seqval_min, -- Sequence value for First operation.'
                + s.crlf + N'     [sys].[ORMask](m.__$update_mask) as __$update_mask -- bitwise OR of all update_masks.'
                + s.crlf + N'    from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' m'
                + s.crlf + N'    where m.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'     and m.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'     and m.__$operation in (1,2,4)'
                + s.crlf + N'    group by'

        + stuff((
                + s.crlf + N'     m.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')

                + s.crlf + N'   ) x on ('

        + stuff((
         select N' and x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = l.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 5, '') + N' and x.__$seqval_max = l.__$seqval)'

                + s.crlf + N' where l.__$start_lsn >= @from_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'  and l.__$start_lsn <= @to_lsn'
                + s.crlf + N'            and (l.__$operation = 4  -- New values for updates.'
                + s.crlf + N'    or l.__$operation = 2 -- Inserted values or New values for defered updates.'
                + s.crlf + N'    or (l.__$operation = 1 -- Old values for defered updates or deletes.'
                + s.crlf + N'      and not exists ('
                + s.crlf + N'        -- Exclude all deletes that are the old values part of a defered update.'
                + s.crlf + N'        -- We only use the other part of the defered update, the row with __$operation = 2.'
                + s.crlf + N'        select *'
                + s.crlf + N'        from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l3'
                + s.crlf + N'        where'

        + stuff((
                + s.crlf + N'         and l3.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type
                 ).value('.','nvarchar(max)'), 1, 32, '')

                + s.crlf + N'         and l3.__$seqval = x.__$seqval_max'
                + s.crlf + N'         and l3.__$operation = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'       )'
                + s.crlf + N'      and not exists ('
                + s.crlf + N'       -- If there is only 1 sequence for row ''l'', we don''t need to check for previous'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- actions (hence the not x.__$seqval_max = x.__$seqval_min). But if multiple'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- sequences do exist, we need to exclude those deletes for rows that were'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- first inserted within this same range (__$seqval_min). Net result should'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- look as if the row never existed at all. But again, we need to account for'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- defered updates here too: if both __$operation = 1 and __$operation = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- exists the first operation is a defered update instead of an insert and'
                + s.crlf + N'       -- we should include the delete(1) operation l.'
                + s.crlf + N'       select *'
                + s.crlf + N'       from ' + quotename(object_schema_name(ct.object_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(ct.object_id)) + ' l4'
                + s.crlf + N'       where not x.__$seqval_max = x.__$seqval_min'

        + (
                + s.crlf + N'        and l4.' + quotename(ic.column_name) + ' = x.' + quotename(ic.column_name) as [text()]
         from cdc.index_columns ic
         where ic.object_id = ct.object_id
         order by ic.index_ordinal
         for xml path(''), type

                + s.crlf + N'        and l4.__$seqval = x.__$seqval_min'
                + s.crlf + N'        and l4.__$operation in (1, 2)'
                + s.crlf + N'       having min(l4.__$operation) = 2'
                + s.crlf + N'      )'
                + s.crlf + N'     )'
                + s.crlf + N'    )' as [definition]

            into #definitions

            from (
                 select char(0x0d) + char(0x0a)
             ) s (crlf)
             cross join cdc.change_tables ct
       where ct.supports_net_changes = 1;

       if object_id('tempdb..#todo') is not null
           drop table #todo;

       raiserror('Comparing to existing functions...', 0, 0) with nowait;

             case when object_id(d.functionName) is null
                 then 'Missing'
                     case when nullif(checksum(x.txtNew),checksum(x.txtOld)) is not null
                        then 'Different'
                        else 'OK'
             end as [Status],
            into #todo
            from #definitions d
             cross apply (
                         char(0x0d), ' '),
                         char(0x0a), ' '),
                         char(9), ' '),
                         ' ', ' ' + char(9)),
                         char(9) + ' ', ''),
                         char(9), '') as txtNew,

                         (select m.definition from sys.sql_modules m where object_id = object_id(d.functionName)),
                         char(0x0d), ' '),
                         char(0x0a), ' '),
                         char(9), ' '),
                         ' ', ' ' + char(9)),
                         char(9) + ' ', ''),
                         char(9), '') as txtOld
                 ) x;

            declare cur cursor local fast_forward
             case t.Status
                 when 'Different' then replace(t.definition, 'CREATE FUNCTION', 'ALTER FUNCTION')
                 when 'Missing' then t.definition
            from #todo t
            where nullif('OK', t.Status) is not null
            order by t.functionName;

            open cur;

            while 1 = 1
             declare @functionName sysname;
             declare @stmt nvarchar(max);

             fetch next from cur into @functionName, @stmt;
             if @@fetch_status = -1

             if @@fetch_status = 0
                 raiserror('Processing %s...', 0, 0, @FunctionName) with nowait;

                 exec sp_executesql @stmt;

            close cur;
            deallocate cur;

            raiserror('Done.', 0, 0) with nowait;

    exec [dbo].[spGenerateCustomCDCnetFunctions]

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?