• I dont see any dump files (.mdmp) files.
    for the time in question there are multiple .LOG.1 files(from full text indexing operation), a SQLAGENT.1(shown below) and a system_health_.... extended events file. 
    There is also a trace file (.trc) which ended about 6 minutes before the crash and shows a normal log backup as the last entry.

    SQLAGENT file:

    2017-03-19 13:07:37 - ! [012] The MSSQLSERVER service terminated unexpectedly
    2017-03-19 13:07:37 - + [139] AutoRestart: Attempting to restart the MSSQLSERVER service (attempt #1)...
    2017-03-19 13:07:42 - ! [368] AutoRestart: Unable to restart the MSSQLSERVER service (reason: Access is denied)
    2017-03-19 13:07:47 - + [139] AutoRestart: Attempting to restart the MSSQLSERVER service (attempt #2)...
    2017-03-19 13:07:47 - ! [368] AutoRestart: Unable to restart the MSSQLSERVER service (reason: Access is denied)
    2017-03-19 13:07:52 - + [139] AutoRestart: Attempting to restart the MSSQLSERVER service (attempt #3)...
    2017-03-19 13:07:52 - ! [368] AutoRestart: Unable to restart the MSSQLSERVER service (reason: Access is denied)
    2017-03-19 13:07:52 - ! [140] AutoRestart: The MSSQLSERVER service could not be restarted after 3 attempts
    2017-03-19 13:07:52 - + [360] SQLServerAgent initiating shutdown following MSSQLSERVER shutdown
    2017-03-19 13:07:54 - ! [359] The local host server is not running
    2017-03-19 13:07:54 - ! [240] 1 engine thread(s) failed to stop after 2 seconds of waiting
    2017-03-19 13:07:54 - ! [311] Thread 'JobInvocationEngine' (ID 2552) is still running
    2017-03-19 13:07:54 - ! [359] The local host server is not running
    2017-03-19 13:07:54 - + [098] SQLServerAgent terminated (forcefully)