• ChrisM@Work - Friday, February 17, 2017 9:38 AM

    Nice, Sergiy, and very useful.
    I'm guessing that you've checked out all of the alternatives to get rid of the row count spool. I've only had a little time to play today and came up with this:


            @StartValue bigint = null, -- -32768,

         @EndValue bigint = null, -- 32767,

            @Rows INT = 980, -- number of rows to bereturned. Used only when either @StartValue or @EndValue is not supplied

         @Increment smallint=3;


    WITH BaseNum (N) as (

           select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all

           select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1 union all select 1


           L1 (N) as (SELECT 1 FROM BaseNum bn1 CROSS JOIN BaseNum bn2),

           L2 (N) as (SELECT 1 FROM L1 a1 CROSS JOIN L1 a2),

           _Tally (N) as (

                  SELECT TOP(ISNULL(@EndValue - @StartValue + @Increment,@Rows)/@Increment)

                         rn= ISNULL(@StartValue,0) + ((ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL))-1)*@Increment)

                  FROM L2 a1 CROSS JOIN L2 a2 CROSS JOIN L2 a3


    SELECT * FROM _Tally


    I have an unfinished "v.2." script which takes better care of spooling, and is also meant to work with odd combinations of input parameters: negatives, opposite signs, nulls here and there, etc.
    I'm still don't feel like I collected all the test cases. 

    Code for TallyGenerator