• Again, it is interesting reading this a few years on and from the change of perspective that age brings.

    The US election result appears to be a shout from those left behind. BREXIT is a rebellion against a remote government telling people they are so much better off when those people are feeling very much worse off.

    I don't feel guilty about doing my job. I'm not inventing a more addictive cigarette, a flashier gambling machine or higher alcohol content beer.

    What I have learned over the past few years is that, while change is inevitable, it's the way it is managed that is important.

    It seems that self drive cars and trucks are close to the point where they take off. Trains are now so fast that a human driver is a hindrance rather than a necessity. Driving a truck or a train is quite a skilled job and with that goes a decent salary. If you just dump self-drive vehicles on the market place that is a lot of people without incomes. People without incomes can't buy much. Companies can't sell much to people who can't buy much.

    In the 1980s in the UK we had the miners strike and the decimation of the coal industry. Those communities that recovered did so after a few decades. Some places never recovered. I feel that we are close to a technological tipping point where wide the scale of the change makes it unmanageable by even the best managers. I think we are in for huge social unrest and a difficult couple of decades