• > Detach SQL Server database and move your MDF to save location.> Create new databse of same name, same files, same file location and same file size.> Now Stop SQL server.> Swap MDF file of just created database to your save one.> Then Start SQL ServerNow database will go to suspect mode > Execute the following query to set database to emergency mode and single user mode ALTER DATABSE <db name> SET EMERGENCYALTER DATABASE <db name> SET SINGLE_USER> Execute the below query to perform recovery DBCC CHECKDB (<db name>, REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS)> Now set database to multi user and online ALTER DATABASE <db name> SET MULTI_USERALTER DATABSE <db name> SET ONLINEThis process will repair your corrupted database but you can also have some data lose. In such cause you can try SQL data recovery tool[/url] that can help you to repair your database and it's quite cheaper as well.