Home Forums SQL Server 2008 Working with Oracle Oracle 10G to SQL Server (2008 and above)DB migration process RE: Oracle 10G to SQL Server (2008 and above)DB migration process

  • Hi,

    the question is more than a little vague to be honest.

    if you use the SSMA to migrate the EXAMPLE Schema from Oracle to SQL Server 2016 it performs the process very smoothly and with very little additional effort.


    there are some restrictions to using the Assistant. For example there is no support for user defined datatypes so if you use them then you are going to have to rewrite your code to integrate them into the new database. Information about these restrictions about aplenty on the MS Website and the documentation for it is very good.

    I strongly recommend trying out a test Migration using the shipped example database, generate a Report and use the test case tool to figure out what will work and what won't. Unfortunately there is no clear answer to you question.

    Experience is the teacher here.....

